In a world where xl% of people respond better to visual data than plain text, it'due south probably a good idea to optimize your social media channels with visuals. And i of easiest ways to accept advantage of visual content on social media is through your cover photos -- sitting right at the top of your profile, they occupy a huge piece of very valuable real estate. 

And right about at present, I know what you're thinking. Yes, visual content is of import ... but what near those companies in "boring" industries? Tin they actually create make the well-nigh of this hot visual real estate? Free Templates: Facebook Cover Photos for Businesses And the answer is yes. Check out the 25 brands beneath to run across how fifty-fifty "dull" companies can create engaging social media cover photos on five of the near popular social networks.

Tired of scrolling already? Here'south a quick overview of the rest of the postal service: These 25 brands are inspiring considering of their stellar social media cover photo designs, despite being considered by most to be companies in "deadening" industries. Using typography, photos, cartoons, and platform-specific applied science, these brands have their social media cover photos from "meh" to "marvelous." If you're already feeling inspired to create your own social cover photos, bank check out our complimentary social media encompass photo templates here.


ane) Agilent Technologies

We're digging the scientific measurement technology company's out-of-the-box thinking here. According to the cover photo's description, each cake of the epitome's design represents a different aspect of its business. You probably have something in your business concern that could translate well to visuals -- notice it and use it.


2) Maersk Line

This Cover Photo is awesome because of the style information technology positioned its design elements. We love how Maersk Line right-aligned the elements of its embrace photo -- it's a much more constructive employ of infinite than if the send and text were aligned to the left of the image.


3) Cvent

Facebook used to have a xx% rule in place -- only 20% of your comprehend photo image could be text. Only we're glad that information technology did abroad with that rule, considering of cover photos like Cvent. Using icons and some text, Cvent gives you a curtailed description of who the company is and so y'all tin decide if you want to Like its Facebook Folio ... or non.


iv) Salesforce

Demand a absurd idea to promote an event in your Facebook cover photo? Await no further than Salesforce'southward cover photo. We love how sophisticated this cover photo looks with the speaker headshots and geometric shapes -- simply how like shooting fish in a barrel information technology could be to replicate with resources that near any marketer has at his or her disposal.

Bonus: The cover photo description has a shortened (and trackable) link and then Salesforce tin track how many people clicked on the link within the clarification.


5) Grainger

Likewise having a somewhat veiledGhostbuster's reference, this facilities-management company's cover photograph is great because of the manner that it integrates the pattern of the photograph and text. Notice how the text is correct-aligned in the overall pattern of the encompass photograph, and how the all-caps assuming lettering allows it to stand out from somewhat confusing colors in the background.



half dozen) Organik SEO

Okay, we're a little biased -- nosotros recall SEO is awesome and interesting -- merely lots of not-marketers have no thought what SEO is, never mind actually care nigh it. So that's not the simply reason we included this Twitter profile header on this list. We love how Organik SEO merges its header photograph and profile moving picture into one big image. Information technology'due south a great way to have i cohesive pattern on a social platform where information technology's easy to distract users with random profile pictures, header images, background images, etc.


vii) PGi

Software can exist actually hard to showcase through visual content -- merely PGi's header image shows how you tin all the same incorporate production images into visual content. The embrace photo is much more than a production screen shot. It's much more visually pleasing to have the software featured in a photo with a real man using it. I too love how PGi darkened the comprehend photo so that the white text pops from the white image background.


8) VMware

Sometimes, you don't even need a photo of your product or company at all -- y'all can employ a photo that encapsulates your brand's message to communicate that bulletin for you. VMware did only this in its Twitter embrace photo. A building surrounded by a big bluish sky isn't what VMware sells, simply it does make yous think that VMware is an innovative software company.


9) Neenah Paper

With more and more companies going digital, companies that produce paper products have a tough route alee ... but that doesn't mean they can't produce engaging, digital, and visual content. Neenah Paper does just that with its header image by calculation small design details to communicate what the product is. I dearest how the lines on the Post-It notation resemble the inside of a tree -- which further drives abode the point that Neenah Paper makes high-quality newspaper products.


ten) BearingPoint

Similar VMware, BearingPoint includes a symbolic photo about its visitor every bit its header photograph -- with a twist. In the top left corner, BearingPoint includes its logo in a shape that matches the rest of its digital branding. Information technology's kind of a meta-branding move, but we think it's a peachy way to showcase cohesive design elements beyond platforms.



11) The BOSS Snowplow

In this snowplow company'south LinkedIn comprehend photograph, I love how the prototype and text pairing scream that BOSS Snowplows are tough. The all-caps letters with the highlighted words "BOSS COUNTRY" on a stark white background all make this encompass photograph 1 of my favorites. These design elements all help communicate the visitor's brand: a tough, hearty machine that gets the job done.


12) Chevron

For an oil company with some crises in its past, information technology's even more of import for the company to maintain a homo brand image. Politics bated, Chevron does take an engaging LinkedIn encompass photo featuring portraits of its community members. We call back this is smart to have in a LinkedIn cover photo considering the people Chevron will endeavor to recruit through LinkedIn will go a better idea of Chevron's company culture and priorities right off the bat with this visual.


xiii) Magna Powertrain

Magna Powertrain speaks to the interests of its audition (people who love the inner-workings of vehicles) with the visuals in its embrace photo. People who love car parts probably want to await at renderings of them -- not just pretty pictures of cars. Know what your audience likes -- and cater to that -- even if it'due south not what the "average" person likes.


14) Accenture

This is another example of a company using abstruse visuals to communicate letters about its brand. While the visual is definitely inspiring and engaging, I love how Accenture explains its business in the top correct corner. People don't demand jargon nigh what your technology does ... they want some quick-hitting explanations of the business.


15) Allstate

Insurance is something that most of us want to set and forget about -- information technology'due south something we deal with when bad things happen in life. To help convalesce some of the anxiety that comes with dealing with insurance companies, Allstate uses calming bluish colors and cartoon images.

Merely something we should all call up well-nigh -- what kind of mental state will people exist in when interacting with our company? And how can we make that feel meliorate?



sixteen) Cisco

When you become to Cisco's YouTube page, y'all can't help but stare at its encompass photo -- and that's what yous desire when people come to your YouTube page, equally well. Bonus for this prototype: it looks similar a stock photo yous could easily customize with text. Cisco uses this real estate to feature central URLs and hashtags to connect its cross-platform campaign.


17) Oracle

Again, here'southward a company that uses cartoonish images to convey a very abstruse concept about the company, while also making it seem much more approachable and friendly. Oracle's use of red -- while on-brand -- as well makes the "Subscribe" button popular, which is the goal of most YouTube pages.


xviii) Deloitte

For one of the elevation fiscal companies in the world, information technology's important from a branding and recruiting standpoint to get human faces in your visuals. Deloitte did just that in its YouTube cover -- and it's working. I especially love how the Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ buttons appear right in the cover photo. Information technology helps connect your audition with yous across multiple channels and drives habitation the point that Deloitte has real people working for it. Then become ahead -- make sure your entire YouTube bio is filled out!


19) EMC

We've mentioned this before and we'll mention it once more -- your 'slow' product can often be a function of a much more sexy product. Hither, EMC is featuring a picture of a Lotus car part that their visitor helped produce. Information technology's much more engaging than a screenshot of a slice of software. Try to call back out of the box for your company, also.


20) Kinaxis

Here is another very attainable design from an "unsexy" concern. Using geometric and colored shapes, Kinaxis shows off its data-driven personality. The all-time role is, you could easily recreate information technology in PowerPoint.



21) IdeaPaint

When you first see IdeaPaint's cover photo, you aren't too impressed -- it's people, sitting at a briefing tabular array. Cool. Merely if you scroll upwardly, y'all go a surprise: The unabridged briefing room is filled with people writing on whiteboards. We dear how IdeaPaint used Google+'s engineering constraints to delight its Google+ visitors.


22) Caterpillar Inc.

Similar other companies with heavy mechanism, Caterpillar features real people in its cover photo on Google+. We like the balance of existent people and actually big, impressive machinery -- the ii about important things to Caterpillar Inc's heir-apparent personas.


23) Intel

Taking a photograph of a computer processor isn't super engaging ... but what most a blueprint that looks like one? We dearest Intel's blueprint not but considering of its geometric shapes and brilliant colors -- just also because it reminds the states of the production itself. Definitely a difficult feat to accomplish for Intel and its products.


24) Media Temple

Like Caterpillar, Media Temple features photos of real people ... only instead of being one static, not-scrollable image, you uncover more photos as you scroll up. The collage of images is a swell manner to make Media Temple -- a spider web hosting company -- feel more homo to its Google+ followers.


25) SAP

The best embrace photos on Google+ are those that look cracking in their automatic modest course, simply that likewise wait swell once users scroll up to reveal a larger photo. SAP's comprehend photo is both visually highly-seasoned in the pocket-size form and informative in its larger form -- which solves for the visual and textual needs of Intel's Google+ followers.


Which of these cover photos is most inspirational for your business? If you're gear up to amp up your social media comprehend photos, download our free template every bit office of our visual content crash grade.

Epitome credit: lisa hickey

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Originally published Sep ten, 2013 8:00:00 AM, updated August 28 2017